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Lawrence Children's Choir has a new website!

Posted Tuesday August 25, 2020

DCCF Community Grants helped the Lawrence Children's Choir build a new website! From their Community Grant Report:

"Words cannot express how grateful we are to have a new website. We had been limping along with an outdated site for several years and with technology rapidly changing, we were beginning to be unable to do our most basic functions such as enrollment. We perform at the highest level of professionalism, yet our website was not reflective of this. It was frustrating and a bit embarrassing to have our old site representing our brand in the fashion it was. We simply did not have money to budget this in each year so it kept getting pushed out to some unknown time in the future. Without the DCCF grant, we would have been in the same predicament, but presumably even worse going into the 2020-21 season since EVERYTHING is now online in our programming. We lost huge amounts of our revenue due to COVID that we will be recovering from for a while so paying for a website redesign would have not even been a discussion item this year as we are trying to balance our budget with the bare necessities. In hindsight, the timing of this grant and redesign couldn't have been more crucial. We are so appreciative of DCCF and the support you continue to provide so many of us in the community. Please see our new site at www.lawrencechildrenschoir.org"

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